Faculty with joint academic appointments, talent program participants or individuals doing research outside of Harvard may be encouraged by the outside entity to apply for and receive grants through the outside entity in support of activities at the outside entity.

Research appointments at another university or academic institution may be accepted only with advance permission of the responsible Dean. Please note that full-time faculty should not, without permission of the institution upon recommendation of the appropriate Dean, engage in teaching, research, or salaried consulting at any other educational institution. Projects on which a Harvard academic appointee serves as a principal investigator or in an analogous role should be administered through the University or its affiliated medical institutions, unless the responsible Dean has specifically granted an exception.

 Any grant received outside of Harvard must be included on your Other Support Pages, Current and Pending Support documents, or similar sponsor-specific forms. Federal sponsors require that ALL resources related to your research endeavors, regardless of place, be disclosed.  Faculty should also include any effort commitments they have to research grants outside of Harvard.


Harvard University Office of the Provost Statement on Outside Activities of Holders of Academic Appointments

HMS Faculty of Medicine Handbook

NIH’s website with information, templates and samples of Other Support pages

HMS ORA NIH Other Support Guidance Document and Template under Policies and Guidance: NIH Other Support NIH GPS

NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide

NSF-Approved Formats for Current and Pending Support

NSF Current and Pending FAQ

Contact: mailto:International_collaborations@hms.harvard.edu