Please visit this page often. We will be updating Frequently Asked Questions on a regular basis as new information is received.
What should I do if I’m not sure if something needs to be included as Other Support?
What should be included on an NIH Other Support page?
Do Gifts in direct support of research need to be disclosed?
Do I have to disclose Prizes being used in direct support of research?
Should a visiting scientist, fellow or researcher working in the lab, whose salary is supported by their home institution, government or other third party be listed on the NIH Other Support page?
Do outside activities and consulting activities need to be reported on Other Support Pages?
Should individual fellowship awards, be consider training awards? Should they be included on the Other Support page?
Do Space and Capitalized equipment purchased or built via grant funds need to be disclosed (e.g. a building built from Commonwealth of Mass grant funds that the lab happens to be in)?
I am a Principal Investigator on an NIH award to Harvard Medical School, but maintain an unpaid appointment at a university outside the United States. At the institution outside the United States, I have access to lab space, research materials, and staff.
I am key personnel on an NIH grant in the United States. I am collaborating with another scientist in the US, whose experiments have directly benefitted my research. Their experiments were conducted with funds awarded to their institution. Should this be
A researcher at my institution has a 9-month appointment. They spend two months at a University outside of the United States during the summer and conduct research during this period funded by a grant from a foreign government. Does this count as Other Su
This all seems new to me. Has NIH always required this much to be disclosed on the Other Support page?
Do I need to complete all fields of the ORA NIH Other Support Template, even if I do not have in-kind support or an outside position or appointment to disclose?
Can I share the ORA NIH Other Support Template with subawardees/other institutions?
Positions and appointments are listed in the Biosketch. Why am I including them on the NIH Other Support page?
How should faculty list support when it is a piece of a larger project and they ARE the lead PI (e.g. P01 or CTSA)?
How should faculty list support when it is a piece of a larger project but they ARE NOT the lead PI (e.g. P01 or CTSA)?
What is the threshold for ‘high-value’ for In-Kind Resources?
There is confusion about the disclosure of UD Funds on Other Support pages? Do I disclose UD funds or other discretionary funding from HMS or Harvard?
Do internal award programs funded by gift, endowment, or institutional funds (such as Ludwig Center awards, Dean’s Initiatives, etc.) need to be included on my Other Support?
Can my PI include the application under consideration for funding under Pending Awards on his/her Other Support?
Key Personnel from a subrecipient sent us a Other Support pages that appear to be incomplete, given the new NIH guidance; what do I do?
My PI is a subaward PI and the prime institution is requesting Other Support information. Should this be reviewed by my ORA pre-award officer before I email it to the prime institution?
Should my PI include In-kind Resources, Position & Scientific Appointments and Other Resources on Other Support for the RPPR?
My PI has received gift funding since the last RPPR, should I include this on the Other Support submitted with the RPPR?
Do institutional awards need to be listed on Other Support?
How do we capture effort for in-kind support?
Do I include Pending Proposals on Other Support for an RPPR?
What should I include in “Positions and Appointments”? Haven’t they been included in the Biosketch already?
Do investigators need to report consulting positions or scientific advisory board positions on Other Support?
My PI is a mentor on some of his trainees’ fellowships or training grants; should those awards be listed in his/her Other Support?
Last year my PI gave a talk at an NIH-funded conference. The travel expenses were reimbursed and food and lodging were provided. Should this be included in the updated Other Support?
My PI is key personnel on another PI’s award, and the funds available to my PI are not the full amount of the whole award (i.e., my PI has a part-of account). What amount do I include on my PI’s other support?
My PI’s lab is located in a building built from grant funds (not grant funds my PI received), should the building be included on the Other Support?
What award amounts do I need to list on Other Support? We used to only include the direct costs for the current year, but now I hear we need to include the total cost for the award.
What is the definition of a foreign component?
What are some examples of a “significant element of a project” when making determinations regarding a foreign component?
What should I do if I’m not sure if something needs to be included as a Foreign Component?
What should I do if I think I might have a Foreign Component on a project that is NOT NIH funded?
What do I have to report on my Outside Activities & Interests Report (OAIR)?
What activities do I have to report to HMS?
What activities DO NOT need to be reported to HMS?
What should I disclose to journals/publishers?
I am not required to complete an Outside Activity report but I have questions about an activity that I am thinking about becoming involved in. Who should I talk to about this?
Where do I make Outside Activity disclosures?
What do I do if I am not sure if I need to report an activity?
What terms and conditions in an Outside Activity may be problematic and who should I talk to if I see these terms and conditions in an agreement that I am considering?
How much time can I devote to outside activities?