Faculty have an obligation to fully and consistently disclose resources, outside relationships and commitments to Harvard Medical School, external funders, publishers and the public.

Conflicts of Commitment can arise when faculty hold appointments with outside institutions. If Faculty accept such appointments, they must agree to prioritize their responsibilities to Harvard and its affiliated institutions. Outside activities and Financial Interests should be arranged so as not to compete with the Faculty’s commitments to Harvard. Faculty should recognize that their appointments do not include a guaranteed right to pursue other interests on Harvard time; these pursuits are always subject to review and restriction and then supported where appropriate. As a general rule, no more than twenty percent (20%) of a full-time Faculty member’s total professional effort may be directed to outside work.

HMS Faculty interested in a joint appointment with an outside institution must follow the requirements as described in the HMS Faculty of Medicine Governance, Appointment and Promotion Handbook.  Specifically, an individual who holds a voting appointment part-time or full-time, in the Faculty of Medicine is not, in general, permitted to hold a voting appointment on the faculty of any other non-Harvard academic institutions. Unmodified ladder titles at other institutions (e.g. Assistant Professor) are not permitted, regardless of voting status.

Disclosing Positions and Appointments on Grant Applications: HMS Faculty must include all paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time scientific appointments and/or academic positions and appointments on their Biosketches and Other Support pages. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Paid and unpaid positions
  • Full-time and part-time positions
  • Honorary positions
  • Visiting Faculty/Scientist positions
  • Adjunct positions
  • Institutional appointments
  • Talents Program appointments
  • Affiliations with foreign governments
  • Affiliations with foreign entities/institutions
  • Key relationships with commercial or foreign entities

Disclosing Positions and Appointments with Time and Effort Commitments: When a faculty member commits time or effort to an outside entity, either through a position/appointment or with grant funds received through an outside institution, that commitment can affect the percentage of time and effort available for HMS responsibilities. Time and Effort reports must be coordinated across all institutions to whom you have committed effort. You should disclose to your Chair and to the HMS Office of Research Administration:

  • Time and Effort commitments made to outside entities (domestic or foreign)
  • Grant applications submitted through outside institutions
  • Grant awards you received through an outside institution. 

Disclosing Positions and Appointments with an Outside Institution: All appointments, affiliations and positions held with an outside institutions or companies (domestic or foreign) must also be reported on a Faculty’s Outside Activities & Interests Report.

Positions and appointments should also be disclosed on grant applications in the Biosketch. Talent Program (or similar) participation should also be disclosed on the NIH Other Support page.


NIH’s website with information, templates and samples of Other Support pages

NIH NOT-OD-19-114 and its accompanying FAQ for detailed information regarding what disclosures are required Other Support Pages, as well as disclosure examples and scenarios.

NIH Biosketch Format, Instructions and Samples

NIH Biosketch FAQ

NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide 

HMS ORA NIH Other Support Guidance Document and Template under Policies and Guidance: NIH Other Support 

HMS Outside Activities Disclosures

Harvard University Faculty of Medicine Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment

Harvard OVPR Guidance for Researchers in Addressing Faculty Disclosures & Intellectual Property Protection